Sunday, May 27, 2012

8th Grade 2007-2008

4 years, 9 months ago I moved to this little town (if you can call it that) of Kathleen, Ga. It was July 30th, 2007 we pulled into our new drive way at exactly 6:00pm. I was probably one of the maddest kids you could have ever met that day. By 6:45-7:00pm we were at Lowes to get a fridge because when you move into a house with 4 kids and there is no fridge it is top priority. We pulled in to the lowes parking lot and there was a bright red ferrari sitting in the parking lot. Only thing going through my mind was, what kind of town is this no mall, no theme parks, but there is a ferrari in the lowes parking lot? I didn't know it then but I know it now that this is literally the oddest town I have ever lived in, and I am going to miss it. Shortly after moving in my parents had us go to church like good christian kids, it was a wednesday night service the last offical summer one before everyone moved up. We went to a "big" church called SouthSide Baptist Church, on that wednesday night it was the most intimidating place ever. But that night I met some amazing people. When I got there I met Jim Gray, and then I met Beth Hyde who we ended up taking to for a while.....about hats. The service started and Joe (the lead singer) made it completely obvious that Sarah and I were the new kids and then it was met and greet time. I then met, Alaine, Tiffany, Karyssa, and Kylee and everyone else in the whole room (or so it felt like). After the lesson we played this name game and all I remember is Tiffany kept saying "I'm Tiffany. We tried some other churches but in the end we stayed at SSBC. I started going to small groups there and I loved every moment of it. In that time I went from homeschooling, to Veritas, to Mossy Creek Middle School, to K12. I stayed in K12 along with some 2 co-ops, but more on that later. At Veritas I met the lady who pretty much changed my life, her name is Donna Thornton, this woman in one way or another taught me from 8th-12th grade. In 8th grade I thought I knew everything and thought I was a pretty good writer. I was EXTERMLY wrong. Sadly about 6 weeks into classes, I had to leave Veritas macon because gas was $5 a gallon. My parents then homeschooled us for a little while and we started going to co-op and playing soccer. Soccer was supposed to start the thursday before my first tuesday at Co-op. Dad was my coach, and he had to cancel practice because of rain. I stood out there to meet everyone and to tell them we had to cancel practice. For some odd reason when my dad went over to meet three specific girls who were "cousins or step sisters or something". All I saw was a tall blond, a red head, and a tiny brunette. They were the last people we were to meet, we went home and the next tuesday was co-op. I had been going to co-op since I was little but this one is different. I went to my frist class and to be honest the only thing I remember about it is that Ethan Green was in my class (I think or at least he was talking to someone in there and I ended up meeting him.) The next class was a class that involved putting the dry ingredients of a mix in a mason jar. In this class I met this tall blond named Kelly Tanner and a slightly shorter brunette named Holly Thomas. I was just sitting there quietly while Kelly was talking to Holly (it was obvious that they had known each other a LONG time), Kelly was telling Holly about how she ended up not having practice Thursday, but how she still got to meet her coach. I then asked her what her coaches name was and her mom (our assistant teacher) said John something, I then asked her the team name it was Fusion from there we realised we were on the same team. Over the next year Kelly, her sister Katie, Sarah and I all became good friends. When ever Kelly and Katie would come over it was funny I would end up talking to Katie more and Sarah would talk to Kelly. We would go for walks around my neighborhood almost everytime they came over. During this time we were doing K12 and it was okay. Through K12 and the other co-op I was in I met Aaron Tharpe, it was a lot shorter than and he will be one of the boys I will one day be able to say I knew him when he was a dork in 8th grade. I also met Sean Murphy, but didn't really get to know him to later. But Aaron, this boy named Kaleb and a girl named Kellie and I all became like best friends through K12. But before all that happend Sarah and I tried out Mossy Creek Middle in early Feburary. We lasted three weeks, though I promise you Sarah only went about 10 days out of the three weeks we were enrolled. While we were there Sarah and I "dropped" out of tuesday Co-op but yet Sarah never missed a single class.....Well in the three weeks there I got my homeroom math grades up, learned a few new cuss words, got flicked off for the first time, tried out for the soccer team and went to my first dance. Soccer try outs was HARD I didn't make the team. Funny story. Tuesday of tryouts I came home from try outs and I knew Sarah hadn't gone to school that day and I was tired but as soon as I walked in the front door Mom, Dad, and Sarah started yelling at me saying I need to clean my/our closet. Which was weird because I had cleaned the room WITH Sarah the day before, so I took my own sweet time taking off my soccer gear, putting it in the bag and putting it in the hall closet. I then walked into my room opened my closet and there tied up with duct tape on their mouths were Kelly and Katie Tanner, they were watching 13 going on 30. I then said "Hi Kelly, Hi Katie." and shut the closet door (note they were still tied up). About a week after this event we left Mossy Creek Middleschool, because "we were moving", we did move but we moved in April the day before my birthday, not in Feburary. 8th grade ended with me in another new house (the house I am typeing this from), also I made so many new friends and it was a good start in a town I didn't want to even be in then.

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