Saturday, January 26, 2013

whoa 9 months

9 months. That is how long its been since I graduated high-school  But it feels like it was years ago. So much has happened, so much has changed. Its really hard to explain. I have been to Africa and back, lost friends and gained some, and in 2 weeks Ryan leaves for basic training. I am so proud of him but I am also kind of sad he is leaving.  I have also have taken my first college class, taken my first college test, and written two papers......and I am only in my third week. Nathan turns 4 in 10 days. its crazy, he should only be like a few months old, but he is so big now. I still miss Africa everyday, I don't think I was made to stay in one place for long periods of time. I am going stir crazy but I do enjoy classes.

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